Electrotherapy 4 in 1 TENS/EMS/RUSS/IF 2 Channels


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Medical TENS/EMS/IF/RUSS Device ( 4 therapies in a device)

N.B: Need 4 batteries AAA (Batteries not included)

IF is Interferential Current. RUSS is Russian Stimulation.
TENS and EMS is low frequency. The frequency is generally between 2-300 Hz.
IF and RUSS is medium-high frequency. The frequency between 2000-5000 Hz.

Advantages: 1. A total of 60 programs(Mode). 2. TENS: 23 fixed + 2 adjustable programs. 3. EMS: 13 fixed + 2 adjustable programs. 4. IF: 8 fixed + 2 adjustable programs. 5. RUSS: 8 fixed + 2 adjustable programs. 6. Adjustable intensity:0 – 120 levels. Max: 120mA. 7. Adjustable working time:5 – 90 minutes. 1min/step. 8. Mode and intensity of two-channel can be controlled separately. 9. Customers can adjust parameters according to their own needs 10. The frequency and pulse width of each program displayed on the display screen.

Customized Programs TENS 1. Adjustable Frequency: 1 Hz – 800 Hz, 1 Hz/step. 2. Adjustable Pulse width : 50 us – 300 us, 1 us/step. EMS : 1. Adjustable Frequency: 1 Hz – 800 Hz, 1 Hz/step. 2. Adjustable Pulse width : 50 us – 300 us, 1 us/step. 3. Ramp Up time : Adjustable, from 1 to 9 sec 4. Contraction Time: Adjustable, from 1 to 60 sec. 5. Ramp Down Time: Adjustable, from 1 to 9 sec 6. Relaxation (OFF)time : Adjustable, from 1 to 60 sec.

IF (Interferential Current) 1). PU1 Mode: Channel 1 – Fundamental frequency: 4000 Hz fixed, Channel 2 – Selectable frequency: 4001 to 4150 Hz Interference frequency: 1 to 150 Hz. 2) . PU2 Mode:Channel 1 – Fundamental frequency: 2500 Hz fixed, Channel 2 – Selectable frequency: 2501 to 2650 Hz Interference frequency: 1 to 150 Hz. 3). Adjustable Cycle time: from 5 to 60 sec. RUSS (Russian Stimulation) 1). PU1 Mode: Carrier Frequency (Fixed):2500Hz; frequency: Adjustable, from 1Hz to 100Hz, 1 Hz/step. 2). PU2 Mode: Carrier Frequency (Fixed): 2000Hz; frequency: Adjustable, from 1Hz to 100Hz, 1 Hz/step. 3). Adjustable Cycle time: from 5 to 60 sec.
Whats is Interferential current Interferential current applies two different frequencies that interfere with one another to produce a medium frequency current within the tissues. Interferential Current is a high frequency (4000 Hz), The TENS which typically delivers at 125 Hz. When current is applied to skin, skin resistance decreases as pulse frequency increases. Thus, Interferential Current crosses the skin with greater ease and with less stimulation than with TENS. Interferential current reaches greater depths and over a larger volume of tissue than other forms of electrotherapy.
What is Russian Stimulation Russian Stimulation is a specific form of electrical stimulation with a symmetrical Biphasic Square waveform. It was originally developed by the Russian Olympic team intended for building muscle mass on their athletes. Russian stimulation is now more often used to re-build atrophied muscle mass and reduce edema of injured soft tissue. 
Russian Stimulation is designed to stimulate motor nerves at a frequency of 2500Hz allowing for deeper muscle penetration and a more complete/stronger contraction of the muscle fibers. This form of stimulation relieves muscle spasms and is beneficial for elderly patients and those suffering from scoliosis.
Product Usage
TENS Function 1. Relieve arthritis pain and nerve pain. 2. Rehabilitation and treatment of post-operative pain. 3. Relieve joint pain, chronic intractable pain. 4. Relieve pain for back, knees, shoulder, ankles, wrists, elbows, etc. EMS Function Suitable for sportspeople: Pre-training warming up and Post-training recovery (Endurance/Maximum strength/Explosive Strength/Toning). 1. Retarding or preventing muscle atrophy. 2. Relax muscle spasm and reduce muscle soreness. 3. Increase muscle growth and increase local blood circulation. IF(Interferential Current) Function; Promote tissue healing, improve circulation to injured tissues, pain relief, relieve muscle spasm, edema reduction, stimulate deeply situated muscles such as the pelvic floor muscles. chronic intractable pain and post-surgical and post-trauma acute pain relief. RUSS(Russian Stimulation) Function; Strengthening muscles, increasing muscle size, improving muscular endurance, accelerating muscle recovery and reduce muscle spasms. Especially for athletes: such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, with physical therapy programs to improve strength.