Additional information
N.B: Need 4 batteries AAA (Batteries not included)
IF is Interferential Current. RUSS is Russian Stimulation.
TENS and EMS is low frequency. The frequency is generally between 2-300 Hz.
IF and RUSS is medium-high frequency. The frequency between 2000-5000 Hz.

Customized Programs TENS 1. Adjustable Frequency: 1 Hz – 800 Hz, 1 Hz/step. 2. Adjustable Pulse width : 50 us – 300 us, 1 us/step. EMS : 1. Adjustable Frequency: 1 Hz – 800 Hz, 1 Hz/step. 2. Adjustable Pulse width : 50 us – 300 us, 1 us/step. 3. Ramp Up time : Adjustable, from 1 to 9 sec 4. Contraction Time: Adjustable, from 1 to 60 sec. 5. Ramp Down Time: Adjustable, from 1 to 9 sec 6. Relaxation (OFF)time : Adjustable, from 1 to 60 sec.